

create_mml.pl -- create a Major-compatible MML file, which defines program mutations.


  create_mml.pl -p project_id  -b bug_id -c classes_list -o out_dir


-p project_id

The id of the project for which the MML file is generated. See Project module for available project IDs.

-b bug_id

The bug id for which the MML file is generated. Format: \d+.

-c classes_list

The file contains all classes that should be mutated -- one class per line.

-o out_dir

The output directory to which the generated MML files are written.


Generates an MML file for the given bug_id. The file classes_list has to proivde the list of classes that should be mutated. The generated MML file is named bug_id.mml and written to out_dir.
