

gen_tests.pl -- generate a test suite using one of the supported test generators.


  gen_tests.pl -g generator -p project_id -v version_id -n test_id -o out_dir -b total_budget [-c target_classes] [-s random_seed] [-t tmp_dir] [-E] [-D]


-g generator

The test generator to use. Run the following command to see a list of supported test generators: run_test_gen.pl -g help

-p project_id

Generate tests for this project id. See Project module for available project IDs.

-v version_id

Generate tests for this version id. Format: \d+[bf].

-n test_id

The id of the generated test suite (i.e., which run of the same configuration).

-o out_dir

The root output directory for the generated test suite. The test suite and logs are written to: out_dir/project_id/version_id.

-b total_budget

The total time in seconds allowed for test generation.

-c classes_file

The file that lists all classes the test generator should target, one class per line (optional). By default, tests are generated only for classes modified by the bug fix.

-s random_seed

The random seed used for test generation (optional). By default, the random seed is computed as: <test_id> * 1000 + <bug_id>.

-t tmp_dir

The temporary root directory to be used to check out the program version (optional). The default is /tmp.


Generate error-revealing (as opposed to regression) tests (optional). By default this script generates regression tests, regardless of whether the project version is a buggy or a fixed project version. Note that not all test generators support both modes (i.e., generating regression tests and generating error-revealing tests).


Debug: Enable verbose logging and do not delete the temporary check-out directory (optional).


This script runs the specified test generator on a particular program version. Tests are, by default, generated for all classes modified by the bug fix; a set of target classes can be specified using the -c flag.

Tool configuration

The following wrapper script invokes the specified test generator and provides the generator-specific configuration: TESTGEN_BIN_DIR/generator.sh.

Test suites

The source files of the generated test suite are compressed into an archive with the following name: project_id-version_id-generator.test_id.tar.bz2


The test suite archive is written to: out_dir/project_id/generator/test_id


By default, the script logs all errors and warnings to gen_tests.log in the temporary project root. Upon success, the log of this script is appended to: out_dir/logs/project_id.version_id.log.
